Burnt Cheddar

After years of talking myself down from a ledge... I did it!  Y'all I went and done it.  I spent a whopping twelve dollars on a domain name and now I feel unstoppable!  In all fairness, blogging scared the crap out of me. The idea of having calculated posts with pretty pictures and instructions that made sense freaked me out... and it still does!! But as I sit on my couch unemployed (by choice and hopefully not for much longer "crossing my fingers") I decided to use this time to really dive into an idea that up until recently was just that, an idea.

The idea of writing and publishing a cookbook did not come to me overnight.  It took years of slowly figuring out that it was possible for me to use my cooking talent in a different way other than spending nights, holidays, and weekends in a restaurant.  Thanks to Rachel Hollis, Jennifer Allwood, and Jenna Kutcher I finally gained the confidence to dive head first into something even if failure is a possibility.

I can tell you right now that this is going to be clunky and awkward and at times just look downright wrong, but the point of it all is to share and document this journey with you all.  So, if you are interested in watching me make a fool of myself and maybe one day figuring this all out and being a success, then stick around I need your countability.  Meanwhile thanks for reading and out of all things,

Stay Cheesy!

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